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Witold Gombrowicz, Lillian Vallee

Grain of Truth, A (Polish State Prosecutor Szacki Investigates)

A Grain of Truth (Teodor Szacki #2). - Antonia Lloyd-Jones, Zygmunt Miłoszewski I liked the first book in this series, "Entanglement," but I liked this one even more. The main character, Prosecutor Teodor Szacki, is more sympathetic in this one (he seemed a bit misogynistic in the first one), and the mystery had even more layers to it. The many-dimensional issue of Polish-Jewish relations during and right after World War II is dealt with a very interesting way that illuminates for us not only what happened then and why but what Poles (especially members of the Polish intelligentsia) now think about it. I can't wait for the next translation of a Szacki mystery!